Explore Davidoff pipe tobacco, featuring fine Danish and Scottish mixtures, and more. Each tobacco blend is curated for the ultimate in sophisticated enjoyment.

Davidoff pipe tobaccos include classically traditional blends and invitingly elegant flavors. Enjoy our fine Danish and Scottish mixtures, and much more.


Flake Medallions


This blend is a whimsical blend of ripe, sweet Virginia tobaccos with zesty Louisiana Perique that is pressed and wrapped around a core of toasted black Cavendish, then sliced into coins. It is smooth and sweet, with just the right amount of spice.


50 gram tin



Red Mixture


This mixture owes its distinctive aroma to a luxurious blend of Black Cavendish tobaccos and the interesting contrast of Virginian Ribbon Cut. This is an exceptionally smooth blend, which burns evenly. 


50 gram tin

Item No. 1808DPT0002




This is a classic English with a beautifully refined flavor. This is a blend of Matured Virginia and Oriental tobaccos spiced a pinch of Latakia.







50 gram tin



Danish Mixture


This is a classic Danish blend, produced from the best Virginia and Burley tobaccos, enriched with a touch of toasted Black Cavendish. It's mellow in taste and offers delicious notes of fig, honey, walnut , and maple.





50 gram tin



English Mixture

A traditional English middle-cut blend of Virginia, burley and latakia, with a touch of perique spice tobacco added to further enhance the bouquet.








50 gram tin

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